This section contains resources related to the regulation of occupational therapy in Canada, including ACOTRO publications and some key external publications and documents to which ACOTRO has contributed. You will find links to presentations, quick-reference materials, summaries and reports, as well as protocol surrounding “use of title.”
ACOTRO developed a National E-learning module about the National Competencies.
The modules can be found here: ENGLISH | FRENCH
Position Statements
- Joint Position Statement regarding Utilizing Occupational Therapist Assistants in Occupational Therapy Service Delivery
- Joint Position Statement on Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy
- Joint Position of Professional Identity, Individual Responsibility and Public Accountability Through the Use of Title in Occupational Therapy (2013)
- Joint Position Statement on Diversity (New document under development)
Assessing the Qualifications & Competencies of Internationally Educated Occupational Therapists
- Harmonizing Language Proficiency Standards for Occupational Therapists in Canada – Final Report
- Assessing the Competence of Internationally Educated Occupational Therapists for Practice in Canada: Towards a Common Approach and an Assessment Toolkit
- Assessing Substantial Equivalence of Internationally Educated Occupational Therapists: Principles, Process & Tools
- The Development of an Access and Registration Framework for Internationally Educated Occupational Therapists: Summary Report 2007
Use of Title in Retirement
- OT CANADA Backgrounder on Use of Title
- ACOTRO Title Protection Provisions Province by Province
- ACOTRO FAQs on Use of Title in Retirement
- Social Media for Occupational Therapists: Balancing the Risks and Benefits, a Presentation for the CAOT Conference, 2013
- Managing Client Records (2016)
- Privacy Laws and Standards in Canada for Occupational Therapists (2016)
ACOTRO works in close collaboration with other occupational therapy organizations at the national and provincial/territorial levels, including the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT), the Association of Canadian Occupational Therapy University Programs (ACOTUP), the Canadian Occupational Therapy Foundation (COTF), and the Alliance of Canadian Occupational Therapy Professional Associations (ACOTPA).
ACOTRO will consider and respond to requests for representation or involvement in other initiatives or on a case-by-case basis.
CORECOM is a tripartite project with CAOT and ACOTUP to develop a single competency document to outline entry to practice competencies and describe competencies used throughout occupational therapy practice.